Thursday, 5 March 2009

Stem Cell Transplant - Day Ten

The light at the end of the tunnel is not a train... it is the end of the tunnel!

That is how I have felt today. What a contrast and what a difference from the last few days.

Also I had wonderful news this morning... my white cell count is now 0.3 which means I am starting to produce my own white cells. The transplant has worked. That is such a relief as my remaining concerns were that either the transplant would not be successful and my stem cells would not take up residence again (which they obvioussly have) or the risk of infection (which is still there but will reduce with each day as my counts rise).

The nausea is also under control and I have been able to keep down foods. A real treat was my gorgeous Sara who delivered 3 lamb chops with mash for lunch. I was able to eat a fair portion, enjoy it and no after effects.

My friend the drip is still hydrating me and there are still plenty of drugs to take but it seems everyone is very happy with my progress. I have more energy today and am so pleased the last few days are behind me.

Was told today also they will take another sample of my bone marrow. I will not make the same mistake again when presented with option of local vs sedation! For anyone who reads this and is presented with the option trust me, go sedation!

I am not sure how much longer I will be here. My doctor (the 'Thursday' doctor as they rotate on daily rosters) said he didnt think he would see me next week. My 'main' doctors have intimated perhaps next Tues/Wed.... I am hoping for Sun/Mon. I guess it will all depend on the counts and some luck to not get an infection. Just hope the count increases rapidly. It is measured daily.

1 comment:

  1. Keith:

    Best wishes to you in the days ahead. Your experiences are remarkably similar to mine 22 months ago. You write with insight and wit, and I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts in this blog. I am thinking positive thoughts for you, Sara, and family.

