Monday, 9 March 2009

Stem Cell Transplant - Day 14 (or 12 days after actual transplant)

Home !!!!
Today has been a great day. I am home and as they say there is no place like home. I really dont know what to say, such a pot pouri of emotions. Relief, joy, happiness, surprise but above all so thankful.
To my incredible medical team thank you. A team of true professionals, so talented and always full of support and encouragement not to mention ready to laugh and keep the mood 'light'. To my gorgeous wife at my side throughout I love you with all my heart. To my friends, family and work collegues thank you for your support and best wishes throughout. You all provided such comfort and inspiration not to mention the messages I received on this blog. Thank you.
So now it is time to recuperate. I'm not sure how long that will take. I was told 4-8 weeks initially but I am seeing my Doctor (I should say Professor) tomorrow so will know more then. Given my dream and very fortunate run so far who knows. I may have another transfusion of plasma cells tomorrow but that will depend on my count in the morning. I feel great but also still very tired and of course the ongoing waves of nausea etc.... a small price to pay for life. Thank you all!
I will continue to update my blog with progress etc


  1. Welcome Home! What a beautiful happy smile! I have to say you look very nice without hair, not all men can pull that off! Continued good health!

  2. I've come across your blog and would like to follow along.

    Wishing you good health and a speedy recovery!


  3. Hi Keith,
    Glad to hear that your treatment is progressing well and that you have some time now for rest and relaxation with Sara and the kids.
    What a truly inspirational blog - what a journey - we wish you a very steady and strong recovery.
    I watched the Mt Stuart boys performing brilliantly at the inter-school athletics carnival yesterday. What a team!! Don was a star in the Gr 6 relay!! All in training now for the cross country and of course soccer.

    Best regards from Jane (Benji's mum), Steve and kids and the rest of the Mt Stuart family.

  4. I hope all is going well with you, its been almost 2 months since your last post. My fiancee is about to embark on the SCT this month. We will be relocating from Riyadh to Perth (his home town) for the procedure.I have been following your journey, it is similar to Stephen's, though for him it was a random blood test.
